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NAD C558

45-vuotisen historiansa aikana NAD Electronics on tarjonnut korkealaatuisia levysoittimia uskomattomin hinnoin. NAD C 558 on monipuolinen, hihnavetoinen malli kaikille musiikin ystäville, jotka nauttivat hyvästä äänenlaadusta. C 558:ssa kohinan voimakkuus on minimoitu, se on suunniteltu äärimmäisen tarkaksi ja siinä on valmiina Ortofonin OM10 äänirasia. Lasinen levylautanen lepää MDF-jalustan päällä ja matalaresonanssisen pölysuojan kanssa C 558 tuottaa kuulijalleen erinomaisen kuuntelukokemuksen.

Vinyylin kuuntelu on mukaansatempaava kokemus. Toisin kuin digitaalisen materiaalin kuuntelussa, vinyylin soittaminen vaatii tarkkaa mekaanista tarkkuutta, jotta musiikin erottelevuus voidaan säilyttää. Hyvin soitettu levy on aina palkitsevaa ja NAD C 558:ssa on kaikki, mitä kuulija tarvitsee päästäkseen erinomaiseen kuuntelukokemukseen.


When it comes to the C 558, we have chosen to use a sophisticated power supply that transforms the AC alternating voltage of your wall socket into a pure DC voltage. The DC voltage is then regenerated into a precise AC voltage that powers a precision clock motor to achieve nearly perfect speed consistency and smoothness. The motor itself is isolated from noise and voltage fluctuations that occur in the unfiltered AC mains that can cause instability in the motor. The motor uses a specially developed rubber belt that is flat ground for precision and drives a non-resonant sub platter that is also precisely machined for smooth rotation. This sits in a brass bearing with a hardened steel shaft. All of these parts are carefully developed to work together to provide a remarkably stable and precise rotation of the disc.

The C 558’s tonearm also offers a similar level of careful engineering and development. At 9” long it offers low tracking distortion while maintaining rigidity and low mass required to stabilize the cartridge. By allowing VTF and Azimuth adjustment we get precise tracking with low distortion and record wear.

The glass platter and massive plinth combine to extract all the energy from the disc while isolating unwanted external vibration. These details further ensure that your vinyl listening experience is truly transcendent.

Quality Parts and Materials

The plinth of the C 558 is solid MDF, as opposed to the particle board or plastic that is commonly found at this value, and is CNC machined for precision. The C 558’s dustcover, too, is heavier than most and made from a non-resonant Perspex with a counter-sprung hinge design that allows the cover to remain in almost any intermediate position from open to closed.

An Experience Like No Other

Listening to vinyl records is an immersive experience. You become as involved in the process as you do in the listening. To a much greater degree than with digital sources, vinyl playback requires solid mechanical accuracy to extract the music from the medium. A properly played record is a fantastic and rewarding experience, and the NAD C 558 has everything you need to get maximum enjoyment with minimal fuss and expense.

Tuoteryhmä: Levysoittimet
Valmistaja: NAD
Selite: NAD C558 levysoitin
Hinta: 549.00

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