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Grado Silver äänirasia jatkaa Gradon maineikasta perinnettä. Erinomainen laatu hintaluokassaan.
Grado Gold 2 ja Silver 2 rasiat ovat sama rasia, mutta Gold2 rasiat valitaan käsin tuotannosta ja vain parhaat 5% pääsevät Gold rasioiksi. Silver rasia sen sijaan tarjoaa erinomaisen hinta-laatu suhteen.
GRADO'S PRESTIGE SERIES OF PHONO CARTRIDGES The Prestige series of cartridges are designed for high output and excellent stability under severe use. A considerable tip mass reduction results in a frequency response to 50 kHz and beyond and tracking forces from 1-2 grams. Acclaimed by experts as virtually the finest pickups in the world at their price. Prestige models available in both 1/2" mount and P-mount. All styli in the Prestige series are user replaceable.
Both the Silver2 and Gold2 use a four piece OTL cantilever with a Grado specific elliptical diamond stylus mounted on a brass bushing. With the Silver2 and Gold2, a machined turned generator is used to achieve a lower distortion and greater transparency. The Gold2 are hand selected from Silver2 production runs which meet higher test specifications. Approximately 5% of the run usually exhibits these specs and become a Gold2.
Specifications Frequency Response: 10-60 Principal: MI Channel Separation at 1KHz: 35 Input Load: 47K Output at 1KHz 5CM/sec.: 5mV Recommended Tracking Force: 1.5 Stylus Type: E Inductance: 45mH Resistance: 475 Compliance CUs: 20 Stylus Replacement: U Mounting: S/P Weight: 5.5 |
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