Musical Fidelity M3x Vinyl on suorituskykyinen ja tarkka levysoitinesivahvistin MM ja MC äänirasiatyypeille järkevästi suunnitellussa ja toteutetussa kotelossa.
M3x Vinyl on suunniteltu siten, että etuastetta ei voi ylikuormittaa tai ei voi kohdata erityisiä rajoitteita tavanomaisen toiston aikana. Isoveljensä M6x Vinylin tapaan M3x Vinyl hyödyntää samaa huippuluokan Fully Discrete -erillispiiritekniikkaa.
- Loistava tekninen suorituskyky - Lyhyet signaalitiet - Huippuluokan häiriöetäisyys
The M3x Vinyl is a phono stage designed to fit into any modern system. It is stylish in its layout and intuitive to use, while the inputs and outputs are designed to never be overloaded or limited, for absolute signal integrity. It can be set for either moving magnet or moving coil cartridges and adjusted for the exact loading requirements of each, and the internal circuitry is optimised for sonic excellence.
Design Philosophy
The M3x Vinyl has drawn inspiration from the superior M6x Vinyl design and features an entirely discrete circuitry, which results in better technical measurements and better sound. Discrete circuits use individual electrical devices, like transistors, throughout the electrical circuit (discrete components), as opposed to integrated circuits, which feature devices such op-amps. This more traditional option of discrete circuitry perfectly suits the Musical Fidelity “sound”, as it typically results in a more neutral, natural and dynamic sonic signature.
Split Passive EQ
The M3x Vinyl also employs split-passive equalisation in separate amplification stages for its RIAA curve. This is more costly than the typical single EQ network in a feedback loop design chosen by many others, but it ensures the most accurate reproduction of the ideal EQ curve. Split-passive equalisation also allows for better impedance matching, further optimising the electrical path the music flows through.
Toroidal Power Transformer
The special audio transformer with low core saturation utilised within the M3x Vinyl decreases the level of electromagnetic radiation, which is essential for proper operation. Internally, the M3x Vinyl affords space between the transformer and the amplification section inside the chassis, while also installing electromagnetic shielding for extra protection. The result is an incredibly high signal-to-noise ratio, for absolute clarity in sound.
The M3x Vinyl is also the first to feature a new proprietary power solution that has zero standby power consumption, recognising the company’s awareness of growing interest in more environmentally friendly products within the hi-fi industry.
High-Tech Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Hand Made in the EU
The M3x Vinyl is housed in a steel chassis with a thick, heavy aluminium fascia, which not only matches the whole M-Series aesthetic, but also brings rigidity to the product and isolation from outside interferences. It is assembled with great care and wired fully by hand within the EU to meet the highest production standards. Equipped with RCA inputs and outputs, adjustable impedance (MC) and capacitance (MM) settings and a +6dB gain boost to help particularly quiet cartridges, it is effortlessly easy to integrate anywhere.
Although the M3x Vinyl is the lowest-priced phono stage in the M-Series range, it still fully embodies Musical Fidelity’s hallmark values of uncoloured, stress-free sound, outstanding technical performance, and great value for money.
Key Features
MM and MC input Exact loading options for any cartridge Fully discrete circuit board design Special low core saturation toroidal transformer custom designed for phono stage requirements Environmental friendly - absolutely zero standby power consumption Split Passive RIAA and DECCA EQ Heavy aluminium frontplate with steel chassis Minimal electromagnetic interference from power supply to phono preamp Big chassis design enables huge distance between power transformer and amplifier section Made in the EU |
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